The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry wants to hear from you

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The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry appeals for evidence on healthcare, additional support needs and disabilities (HAD) case study.

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) is appealing for anyone with relevant information to come forward, as part of its investigations into the provision of residential care in establishments for children and young people with long term healthcare needs, additional support needs and disabilities.

SCAI is investigating the abuse of children who were in care in Scotland, within living memory until 17 December 2014. A range of organisations were involved in the provision of such residential accommodation including the National Health Service, local authorities, voluntary and private providers.

A list of establishments is available here:

It is expected that SCAI will hold public hearings in spring 2025.

Investigation of these types of establishments has been ongoing throughout the life of the Inquiry and many relevant statements have already been provided by applicants but the SCAI encourages anyone with relevant information to get in touch with the Inquiry’s witness support team as soon as possible.

The Inquiry’s witness support team can be contacted:

  • By phone, on 0800 0929 300
  • By emailed, at
  • By post, at SCAI, PO Box 24202, Edinburgh EH3 1JN
  • British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact the Inquiry direct through its online sign language interpreter at
  • Deaf or hard-of-hearing people can contact the Inquiry using the Relay UK service – just download the app onto your smartphone, tablet, or computer
  • The SCAI website also includes a range of features to improve accessibility such as ‘Recite me’

The SCAI has a range of accessibility tools and resources available on its website, including an easy read guide and BSL translated videos explaining more about how to apply, how to give evidence and what happens when you attend a hearing.

Visit to find out more.